Monday, April 17, 2006

Another day in America..

We get late broadcasts of the Charlie Rose PBS shows from the Memphis (TN) affiliate, so today I saw the Good Friday broadcast with Guest Host: JON MEACHAM, Managing Editor, Newsweek; GARRY WILLS, Author, "What Jesus Meant"and KEVIN PHILLIPS, Author, "American Theocracy". Meacham is a Chattanooga, TN native now living with the infidels his latest book is American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation. So needless to say I was very interested in this particular conversation.

Wills and Phillips both have in their past both been extreme right wing politically and Meacham, while trying to appear aloof, tended to lean that way also, yet each has seemed to have been on their own independent spiritual journey of enlightenment.

Wills has discovered that the right has missed the point of the gospel of Jesus, while focusing on the destruction and punishment of the Old Testament Scripture and ignoring the love, acceptance and assistance of the New Testament.

Phillips so too discovered that his brand of "main street" (Nixonion) Republicanism of conservative spending and separation of Church and State had been bastardized by the New-right into a sort of theocracy, that is doomed to fail, since their are far too many citizens to control with near sighted ideas and false science.

Meacham disturbed many of the new conservative right, when he paused to state that American Politics has used religion, but not held with it. That moral principles and values are not necessarily bound to a religious government, maybe in spite of it.

All three came to the conclusion that even though there is a movement to push creationism on the educational system of our nation, the present form is bunk. The Genesis story is allegorical in that the world is round, it never was flat. So when God created the first day, it was longer than the days as we now know them. Twenty four hours then, is twenty four hours now. Through God anything is possible, yet He does'nt expect us to believe in nonsense, either.

"There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can’t tell the truth without lying." ~ Henry Wheeler Shaw (sound like this quote could have been said this week)

"It is by acts and not by ideas that people live." ~ Anatole France

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