Thursday, March 12, 2009

Opelika Porker Tour

It's coming the Botta Getta Barbecue.
Two weeks, my son-in-law and his friends have asked me to assist them cooking in this contest. I hope that I can be a help and not a hindrance. We will cook, no matter what.
We are looking forward to seeing the granddaughter. It has been three weeks and the wife is going crazy.
We will have a good time.
Also it is two months to Memphis in May and the World Championship of BBQ.
I can almost smell the smoke from here.

In December we discovered Central Barbecue, after having it recommended by many of the competition teams that we know. It lived up to expectations and then some.
Lots of choices, all good.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Barbecue season is upon us check out this link for the new Sanctioning Body for Memphis in May competitions. MIM is no longer sanctioning contests due to MIM being a month long festival. This year the featured country is Chile. Other contests are noted on the page.
Happy Spring and good cooking.

Spring Break and Daylight Savings Time

Spring Break is upon us! Along with Daylight Savings time are the most anticipated events of Spring.
The weather is warming and the grills and smokers are firing up. Springfest in Southaven is next month and I'm really looking forward to the Barbecue Contest.