Friday, April 07, 2006

Who would have thought it...Bush told Libby Leak it!

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." ~ Pogo Possum

Word is the Preznit told "Scooter" to leak facts about V. Plame being a CIA covert agent to certain MSM columnists to "out" her since her hubby was an outspoken critic of the administration and its War at any cost policies. Go figure! Some how most of the progressive Americans could have predicted this months ago, yet we would have been called anti-American, anti-war on terror (and just what is that now?), anti-business (which means pro-people), but definitely not a "ditto-head", thank God.

America is so much more than Delays and Rushes and Bushes and Cheneys, but obviously we have lost our moral compass, since the ones telling us that we have lost it are the ones with all of the ethical problems. They must know how to spot moral and ethical degradation, huh?

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Most leaders work in the superficial 20 percent of organizational dynamics and think it's 100 percent." ~ Brent Filson

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