Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What is worse Anne Coulter or a Harpy?

No contest! The lengths this imitation of a woman has to go to pandering to her base to sell books is amazing. Sadly the Faux News bunch eats up her rhetoric and nonsense. I heard Ken Melhman on Hardball today calling the Repugs a "big tent" party, who is he trying to fool with that comment? The ropes are straining on every side of their dining canopy with the groups they have camping under their "big tent". What's really amazing is how they managed to hold it together as long as they did.

As soon as "Christians" realize that the morals and values of "cultural republicans" are not the same as the morals and values of "social republicans". If marriage is so important to these "conservatives", why don't they outlaw DIVORCE TOO!

It's because most of them are DIVORCED, the "cultural, social and religious" "conservatives". OR they can have GAY people in their family, like the Vice President, but not recognize them.

"When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere." ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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