"This is slavery, not to speak one's thought." ~ Euripides
Notice insincerity has creeped into our President at a more alarming rate. He cannot tell the truth!
Witnessing GWB telling another one almost made me sick. My heart goes out to all of those honorable men and women that have fought in this conflict under this lying liar. He honestly believes that if he tells a tale loud enough and long enough the rats will believe. I heard this morning on a radio show two talking heads praising him for his "honesty" regarding the information about the "supposed attack" on the Liberty/Library/what ever the real name of the tower is... and they have actually bought it, again. They sounded like Forest Gump when he was asked about going to Washington, AGAIN! Obviously they have ostrich-like habits and have kept their heads under ground for the last five years and not listened to the truth. But that reminds me of something I read today, there are three sides to every issue: your side, my side, and the truth.
So, Scooter is going to sell out Cheney, um, no honor among neo-cons. Well what did Dick expect, Scanlon and Jack are naming names and opening books on everyone else, including the White House. Time will tell. Could Jack's tell all be why Haley Barbour decided to stay at home in MS for '06-'08? He was a lobbyist before the locals elected him to the statehouse in Jackson. Most Mississippians you ask do not have a clue that his campaign was financed by lobbying for exporting jobs out of the USA. They just know the "good ole' boy" image he portrayed when he came home. I guess politics are local, since the locals don't really pay attention to what is going on anywhere else.
"Impudence is the worst of all human diseases." ~ Euripides