I also find it amusing that the intellectual conservatives have used a "dumbing down" philosophy to connect with the mainstream of society, since the mainstream has been proven to be skeptical of intellectuals. At least that's what the conservative talking heads have said for years now...
It is also funny how Fox News more resembles the National Enquirer than it does a real new outlet. Tabloid Entertainment, maybe that is why the common people have shifted to watching Fox instead of traditional new. Watch a few moments of Fox News and you will notice that by the "terror alert status" at the bottom of the screen and the constant reminder of "bad" news on the ticker at the bottom of the screen also. They also tend to focus on stories that illist an emmotional response, rather than a rational one. Always telling of the evils and complaining about everyone else that only does nothing positive, while repeating more, if not more of the same.
"Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table." ~ W. H. Auden

We must remember in our human frailty to forgive our enemies and our friends just as Jesus taught us to do. It is a difficult task to forgive those who have wronged you even when we know we are right, but if we allow pride to get in the way we are at fault just as much as those that wronged us in the beginning.
"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." ~ John Dryden
On a much lighter note I rediscovered an old friend ASTERIX!!