Monday, January 04, 2010

We need more skeptics.

Open minds will survive longer than
closed ones. Problem is closed minds
are more comfortable with others
thinking for them. Case in point or should I say pointy, the misconception of occupants of red states hating health care. The underlying reason is in reality there latent ____________ attitudes.

Media Bias, pshaw!

I saw an article last month about the lack of right leaning voices, but this list had all of the blowhards listed together. The list took more than one page to show them all. Bias is not with the media, but with the companies and organizations that produce it. When I think of how a moral, sane individual could listen to some of these blowhards, my head begins to spin. I know, this statement would encourage the "wrong" leaning individuals. But it bears saying, any way. Progress is the opposite of regress. One must move forward to grow.
gif courtesy of

"by the hair of our chiny, chin, chin............"

Wow! What a scare! We just could not put Northwestern away. I never caught which conference the officials came from, but they were as bad as some of our SEC crews.
At least Ziemba did not have a motion penalty. That is a first.

Great recruits, good coaching, superb facilities. Toomer's Corner, after. Could not be much better.
And you know, we should have beaten Alabama. Our guys had them for 55 minutes, but just could not hold for another five.

Can't wait till spring, summer, then its football time again!!!!!!!!!!!