Friday, November 13, 2009


I was reading my normal RSS feeds this morning, when an article at Baptist Planet caught my eye. It is about a church, Amazing Grace Baptist (Independent-KJV1611) in North Carolina. This church not only burned secular material, they burned almost all other translations of Scripture. They actually bragged about this. I followed a couple of links to get to the bottom of this story. My investigation led me to their web site. I have never seen as much hatred and intolerance on a church site, save one of those "American Christian" (white supremacist) or on Fred Phelps' site. They despise every thing from "wrong translations", Billy Graham, Rick Warren, John Piper to all types of popular and contemporary Christian music.
From other reading his church consists of his family and a very few others.
Fox News picked up on this story, ran it as a news event. It is no wonder most of the world distrusts Christians. This radical approach to soul-winning is destined to fail.
Besides the anti-everything, they are also against immigration and other denominations.
Wow! I knew there were nutsos out there, but man................./font>

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just had a thought, yes I can have them.

By definition the GOP is for small government and the Federal Government staying out of a person's business, right?
So how does this justify the pandering to the Christian Conservatives?
Isn't the attempt to force anti-choice down the throats of Americans contrary to "hands off" my person? Now understand, I do not condone abortion, but it is not my choice. Many people would rather not raise children at a particular time in their life. I continually here conservatives rail against having another welfare baby to feed. If that was truly their concern they would be for choice.
Isn't the same attempt to deny the union of any individual to another individual against their ardent platform of "Don't tread on me"?
Again I'm only saying if someone wants to spend their life with someone, why should we care. We should pray.
We cannot legislate abstinence, we cannot legislate choice, we cannot legislate sexual preference and we cannot legislate whether or not to bring another "welfare baby" into this world. That type of legislation is "Communistic". Unlike patriotism, this view of "limited government" is just a cover up for control of our lives.

For God and Country (in that Order)

Logan Laituri, Army veteran with combatant service in Iraq and work with the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Israel and the West Bank, writes a compelling article for sojourners
As always we need to remember what order we serve. about the priorities we should have as Christians and Americans.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I keep receiving those emails.......

Today I received another email from two different friends that told a story about a great hero, Michael Monsoor.
Problem is part of the email was not true.
Claims made in the email said that his story was ignored by the Main Stream Media (MSM), however the opposite is true.  Not only was the story mentioned in the newspapers, it was also featured on NBC Nightly News before it was on Fox News.
I found evidence that refuted those claims.
Why do people pass on things they don't research?????

ScribeFire from Home

Let's see if this works this time.
Follow up later.