Saturday, March 25, 2006

Job was a very strong man.....

While in Florida, Friday March 24, 2006, in a speech Cheney said. "And with that sorry record, the leaders of the Democratic Party have decided to run on the theme of competence. If they're competent to fight this war, then I ought to be singing on 'American Idol.' "

You know with his experience in warfare why doesn't he get his but over to Iraq and prove what a really effective shot he is with a weapon. Instead of turning his attention on earning several million more bucks for his cronies and his interest held in "trust"?

Not only is our supreme court appointed president inept, we have to deal with a man of these comprimsed values to make statements like this in defense of an unjust war that he lured us into. When he hasn't the intestinal fortitude to fight in one himself.

How can our military leaders believe this man? I guess they like the perks too much?

"Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim." ~ George Santayana, Spanish philosopher and writer

Friday, March 24, 2006

When do we know when to change directions?

"’Push’ will get a person almost everywhere - except through the door marked ‘pull.’" ~ Author unknown

Why is it we are in a cesspool and do not know how to get out? We as humans should know that we are certain to encounter discouragement from time to time, yet we are in a quagmire of indecision in these days. Our country's leader has taken us down a road we certainly should not have taken. Our military wants to remain loyal, without losing face, their patriotism is commendable, but blind. While they eat their Haliburton supplied meals, from Haliburton supplied tents, out of Haliburton supplied trucks provided from a no-bid contract (because no one else was capable). No ONE Capable! Does this sound like a patriotic American statement from the decision makers of our great nation? They chose Haliburton/KBR because of who they were, not because of the low bid. Wake UP!

"God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but he expects us to do the baking." ~ Author unknown

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What ever happened to Logic?

My sisters and I have in the past gathered around many a holiday table, be it Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day or the most sacred of all an Auburn Football Game, discussing the role of humans in today's world. The question that always comes up is: What happen to LOGIC?

In years gone by people prided themselves in making "Logical" decisions. People revered others that were "Logical". Spending millions of dollars testing students to see if they have increased their abilities, without increasing the pay of the teachers to do so, is not "Logical". Spending tax dollars to hire a media mouthpiece to prance around the country touting the benefits of this unproven program, all while receiving under the table payments from the department of education is not "Logical", it is unethical.

Logic and Ethics are very closely related, yet the extreme right has lost its moral compass and figures that we no longer can see it "Logically". When a government is guided by a group of thugs and nonsensical bullies as it is today, "Logic" is thrown out the window, just as the baby is with the bath water.

A war fought on false reasons, more for money than for real safety, achieving less, is still under way as I write this. And it is not "Logical".

"The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it." ~ Brendan Behan

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." ~ Walter Bagehot

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