sat and listened to the crickets calling out to each other on a warm southern night? On these winter days I long for the nights of summer: sounds of families at the local ballpark, smells of overcooked popcorn and steamed hotdogs, additional subtle reminders of the heat of the day. A rising aroma of the sporadic summer rain that seems to fall every afternoon. Nearby the gins are working on the harvest of this season and the dusk is filled with a haze of peanut hulls and cotton lint. Pray that the sinuses don't act up in the morning.
HAVE YOU EVER ..... sat on the bank of a shallow farm pond waiting for one last fish to bite before calling it a day? Musky scents of the willows or cypress that line the bank drift into your olfactory glands and tickle the nerves unlike any other. Across the pond you may hear a splash and be tempted to move to a more procductive spot, yet the fish are feeding and soon you should reach your limit.
HAVE YOU EVER ..... sat in a deer stand or duck blind on a cold winter morning and told yourself that this was the last time you would ever do this? Then just when you had endured all the cold you thought humanly possibly, your senses became aware of God's world and all of it's glory in the grayness of the morning light. As the sun slowly rose and warmed your cold hands and feet, you thanked Him for another day.
HAVE YOU EVER ..... went to school and been called a n*****r lover, because your family had a maid? Or have you got into a fight with someone you thought was your best friend because he turned out to be a racist? Today it seems apalling that so many conservatives will not say in public what they say in private, because they don't want to appear as being racist or intolerant. But they are both in private. I had forgotten what it was like in parts of our great country. Some places I have lived have been very blind to a persons color, race, religion or nationality. Funny thing is some of those places are in the deep, deep South.
But what makes this so much more disturbing is that these conservative are hiding behind the church to spread the bigotry of race, color, religion and nationalism.
sat on your front porch with a loaded shotgun as a twelve year old waiting for the KKK to drive by and firebomb your house? I have. We were tipped off by someone in the klan that knew my Dad, who my father had helped in the past. So as an impressionable twelve year old I sat waiting with my Dad on my front porch for the klan to attack our house. So you may ask why us? No, we are not black, hispanic, catholic, muslim, jewish or any other group that the KKK singled out to hate in the 1950's and 1960's. My family came to America in the 1600's, fought in the Revolutionary War, owned slaves, freed slaves, fought in the Civil War, fought in the Spanish American War, fought in World War I, moved west with the migration of America, moved back east, fought in World War II, and now has fought in the Middle East.
They picked us because we did not support them or their agenda. What is funny now is that I was friends with the sons and grandsons of many of the officers of the mystery organization. I've often wondered if my friends knew that their dads and grandads had threatened to burn down my house and kill my family, but time doesn't heel all wounds. One son and one grandson are a judge and a lawyer in my hometown...I wonder if they are members?
The League of the South has a motto that they think applies to the Southron Cause, yet I think it applies more here:
Deo Vindice (God will vindicate us.)
HAVE YOU EVER ..... taken the time to just dream of a better tomorrow.
"The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind, because God sure isn't going to change His." ~ Roger Ebert, film-critic (1942- )
"Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status." ~ Dr. Laurence J. Peter
Tomorrow is another day....................
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