A view of the Plains
Glimpses of tomorrow give us strength to endure the misfortunes of today. While realization of our mistakes fortifies our caracter with mortar that will not crumble as time ages our foundation.
Foundations are built brick by brick, our character likewise is established by using our mistakes and experiences to develop our strengths.
It is hard for an outsider to understand what it means to be an Auburn man or woman, they cannot understand why a town allows several thousand people to throw toilet paper over power lines and into trees, paint everything orange and blue, and yell at the top of their lungs for hours on end.
A chill runs up along your spine as you exit I-85 and it builds with anticipation as you pass familiar landmarks. The War Eagle Supper Club, the remains of the old cinderblock building that used to be the closest beer store to campus (The Tiger), The Casino, the building that housed WAUD. Then you realize as you head down that small hill into town, that up ahead, past the new buildings, is the familiar clocktower of Samford Hall, and you're home. AUBURN
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