"In many ways, the evangelical churches are much more reflecting our modern culture than they are really being shaped by the Gospel." ~ Os Guinness
Years from now how will we know what the effects of the past has made on the future? Will we be able to predict the outcomes of elections and conflicts by prior actions of lunatic fringe of the present? Today's Pat and Jerry may be tomorrow's Moshe and Jack. Why are people obsessed in portraying an all-knowing point of view? We are obliged to allow God to work things out on his own. Let's face it, He's been doing it a very long time. Who are we to question Him.
I received an email from a college friend of mine who regards himself as the expert in residence on all things political regarding conservative, libertarian, religious and anti-governmental in these days. Yet, remembering him and his deep beliefs he fits these values only when they serve his needs. He is strongly anti-abortion, however, he is probably the one person that I have known that would have suggested a young female acquaintance should visit a clinic that specialized in family planning.
He is conservative, only in that he believes in a strong military, that does not or did not include him. He is so religious that the last few times he was in a church were for his brother's funeral and his wedding over twenty years ago. Libertarian, in that he thinks the government should keep their nose out of his business, especially the drug use and alcohol abuse. That leads to his anti-governmental feelings and support of Grover Norquist...well, that the pot calling the kettle, crooked. Besides the fact that he left the US to get away from child support.
He always wants to abstain from political discussions when he is presented with facts and information. He never wants to discuss the overall opinion of the entire country. He doesn't like facts, only opinion, his. But he never fails to restart by sending out a probing, proding, ugly email to those progressive among us that count him as a friend.
"Too much Christian faith is in a flight from reason and ends up being very simplistic and irrational but my position is for Christian that thinks in believing and believes in thinking." ~ Os Guinness
The Christian writer Dr. Os Guiness has addressed this issue about whether or not we will know, or whether or not it matter with the following quote:
"The other problem with an over fascination of the end times is that it cuts the nerve of Christian engagement with society. So the Church is no longer salt and light." ~ Os Guiness
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