Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Failures of the conservative movement.....

I know I'm preaching to the choir; but why are all these republicans so enamored with Fred Thompson?

Is it because he was or is an actor? Like their savior Ronnie?

Is it because he is or was a Southerner? Like Bill Clinton or George Bush tried to e?

Is it because they think he is a conservative or what they think is conservative?

Conservativism has failed miserably since the Reagan years and his tax cuts for the wealthy and devastation of the tax base. Our national infrastructure is collapsing due to the lack of funds allocated to rebuild bridges, schools, sewer systems, airports, interstates, city roads, etc., etc. and etc.

I hear lots of conservatives try to lean on the constitution and say that it did not provide for taxation nor for government agencies. The visionaries that created the grand documents that found and base our government had vision, yet they had no concept of computers, cell phones, road systems with 18 wheel trucks running the length and breadth of our nation, schools for the number of citizens we now have, sewers, water supply, trash pickup, recycling, even the combustion engines that we use every day to power our automobiles to get to and from work were only a bright dream when our country was founded.

So, don't give me this crap about taxes not being in the constitution. The Constitution of the United States of America is a living document. Made to adapt and change with the times as new inventions make our live easier and more difficult.

The next time a conservative republican tells you he doesn't want to pay taxes; tell him or her they can't drive on your highway, use your water system, have his garbage picked up, send his kids to school, buy a tag for his car, operate his business, call the police, call the fire department, call an ambulance, or flush his toilet.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Last Weekend!!!

Last weekend was superb, to say the least.

I had the pleasure of being one of the numerous judges that had the honor of eating some of the most succulent 'cue in the entire country.

I was honored to judge four different categories: Mustard Sauce, Exotic Meat (Friday), and Shoulder and Patio Porker (Saturday). Patio Porkers are amateurs that have won contest and are now attempting to step up to a higher level of competition. They all have to cook ribs to compete.

I ate more Barbecue than I've ever consumed in a week and enjoyed every bite.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I have changed the name of this blog....

The meaning of the following story is lost on most Christians: It regards Naaman being commanded to do a specific task by Elisha's messenger and not Elisha, himself. Naaman already believed that God could heal him, yet was baffled by the small task called for by the messenger of the Messenger of God. But when he allowed himself to be humbled, he was healed. How are we like this proud man when we do not allow God to rule even our "small tasks" each day.

Elisha's messenger said, "wash in the Jordan 7 times, your flesh will be restored & clean." Angry, he went away. "I thought he would come out, call on the LORD, wave his hand, and cure the leper. Aren't the rivers of Damascus, better than Israel?" He turned & went in a rage. Servants said, "If he commanded you to do some great thing you would have done it. How much, then, when he says to you 'Wash and be clean'?" He dipped 7 times in the Jordan, and was restored and he was clean.

The Lathe cuts a clean, sharp, straight line unless altered by an outside force. These outside forces nick away imperfections and leave behind a beautiful turned piece of metal or wood. So are our lives placed in the Lathe of Life to be subjected to numerous outside forces. If we endure the constant pressure with assistance of the Master Craftsman, we become a better person to society and ourselves. If we do not endure, it shows in our daily life through the trials and tribulations each of us is subjected to along the way.

We must become involved to grow, to flourish, to find the pathway. Allow the Master Craftman to exert his pressure to shape you into the art you were meant to be.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I love college football.....

I preface that remark, in that, I am overly fond of Auburn Tiger Football, then second comes Virginia Tech Hokie Football, if I have to pick a second choice. I prefer the football played in the SEC to most played elsewhere. The traditions of SEC football are too numerous to mention here, although I could. Yet this past weekend the UAT, did SEC and college football in general a disservice. The crimson and white faithful have yet to fathom the impact what they have done!

Besides the fact that they set a "glorious" new attendance record for a spring game.* *(FREE ADMISSION - with donation to the Enterprise Tornado Relief Fund) Sadly the 'Bama faithful only contributed in the neighborhood of $39,000.00 for Tornado Relief and with a new high attendance of over 92,000 plus that comes to around thirty cents a head. I thought the "'Bama Nation" loved their football. If they had just donated fifty cents from every soft drink sold it would have come to more than that.

They can glory in their "attendance figure" all they want, but in terms of compassion and lending a "helping hand to their fellow Alabamian" they fell way short. Sort of "in the RED...."

Have an ORANGE and BLUE day....

Friday, April 20, 2007

Fish Frys and Barbecues....

Events both inherent to American culture, especially the South. If the fish is Catfish and the 'cue is Pork, you are somewhere below the Mason-Dixon. If the food is good, you are definitely below the M-D line. But if the Catfish is better than the 'cue, then you are probably in Mississippi.

I've learned a few things over the past many years, one being that never underestimate a Mississippi cook when it comes to Catfish. I've also learned that not everyone knows how to properly cook whole Catfish to the desired done-ness without burning some portion of the fish.
I'm still looking for the "best Catfish cafe" in the Greater Memphis Area. I've yet to find a soul that can serve it up as well as my wife or a number of my friends in a restaurant.

Maybe its the smell of the fish cooking in the house or the taste of "sample" hush puppies as they come out of the hot oil. Or could it be that no one can touch the coleslaw recipe that my wife uses? What ever it is, God certainly provided us with a great bounty in the Catfish and Pork Industry.

They have helped the South rise, again?

Now if we could just deal with that poverty thing. And the lack of support of education by our elected officials. We listen to them at Fish Frys and Barbecues tell us that they have our interests in mind, if we will just elect them. However, once in office, they forget about priorities and pander to money men.

Maybe if we cooked them some bad fish or bad barbecue, they would listen? It seems to work elsewhere, huh.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What to Say......

It is with difficulty that I address the shootings at Virginia Tech. I lived less than 10 miles from Blacksburg for a few years and have many friends and acquaintances still in the area, many of whom are students and have students at VT.

I read as many of you did in horror the accounts of witnesses on campus and the officials trying to get a grasp of the situation.

Now is not the time to blame the University for their response...

Now is not the time to blame the police for not locking down the campus...

Now is only a time for dealing with the pain and suffering. Asking God to forgive the individual that perpetrated these heinous acts on innocent victims.

God Bless, Virginia.

God Bless, Blacksburg.

God Bless, Virginia Tech.

God Save us all.....

Friday, March 30, 2007

I have this friend....

My the years have gone by all too quickly. I have lost some enthusiasm and some of my stamina from my youth, but my ideals have not changed.
Neither have most of my friends. I have this friend...from GA that is probably the most polar opposite from me politically as any one on the big blue marble, save a few neo-nazis and skinheads and a few so-called islamo-facisists (that is the term "W" used isn't it?). But normally if I'm for something, he's against it. If I'm against an issue, he's dead set for it. Do you see the pattern established there?

Well up until the president's popularity went into the tanker, I had been receiving almost daily updates from such brain trusts as Neil Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, David Limbaugh, Townhall.com, Newsmax.com, Pat Buchannan and all manner of Neo-conartist propagation. I'm surprised that the GOP did not have me on their mailing list. Suddenly if not sooner the daily deluge ceased. As the farcical operatives of this administration committed blunder after blunder and the democrats took back the House and Senate, his daily barrage of bile ended. Public opinion had blown the other way, and was now blowing the winds of change and aroma of stench of the most corrupt administration back toward him. I had long since stopped sending him my opinion regarding any political or environmental issue, knowing that it would only upset him and stir the pot. I had discussed these tirades with a mutual friend and we both came to the conclusion that any political discussions with him would be off-limits, due to his volatility.

I had mentioned to him the week after GWB's first election, that I would predict that his administration would be the worst in US history, I glad to see that he fulfilled one promise...
Told YA!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If it takes a Village to raise a child...

surely it will not take the entire country to raze the idiots!

While there still seems to be a fairly permanent 27-29% support for the powers that be; they seem to be made up of idealistic Reganites, extreme Neo-conservatives, or left-over Nixonion dreamers. If take a microscopic examination of the perpetrators of this fiasco in the Middle East, most are former Regan and Nixon staffers, with their dream of elimination of government. If you ask most neophytes to politics why they like RR, the only response they come up with is, "he brought pride back to America".

Most of us were always proud to be Americans. We were just not proud of what our government was telling us here and doing there. When Americans traveled beyond our shores they were treated as intruders, not because we were conquers, but because we were bullies. Our covert operations teams were performing unspeakable things in the name of freedom, "to keep us safe from Communism". Communism was a defunct, derelict, corrupt system of payoffs and bribes. Communism was not unlike some of our larger cities in the states. Grease a palm here, pat a back there, leave an envelope on a table in a corner....well you get the picture.

What is so ironic about all of them, the conservatives, is that they would never had a JOB without the government they espouse to hate!

They forget the barest essentials of road maintenance, water supply, first response, police and fire departments are all government agencies. Not to even mention the bane of all conservatives, EDUCATION.

Why do they despise education of the masses? Why do they only want an educated elite?

Questions that bear an answer......................

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome Back

Its spring break in the South and I am not at work! I am trying to relax at home, yet I am not getting much done in that respect. With my father in law moved in, it has become a constant drain on the patience that I already lacked. I need more every day. As he ages, so do I. I see my frailties in his own slow progression toward old age. We never can cheat time. Just live one short day at a time. Look for the happy moments among the minor setbacks and slowdowns.

He has nervous ticks and habits just like the rest of us, yet they just appear more pronounced because of his advanced age and practice at them. I imagine over time our habitual activities will become ticks and aggravations.
