"If you are sure you understand everything that is going on, you are hopelessly confused." ~ Walter Mondale
After this weekend's shooting of Attorney Whittington by NincomVEEP, it could be very easy to make jokes about the plight of the injured lawyer and the aforementioned VEEP, but folks this is serious business.
Not only did he shoot someone, he did it without being legally licensed to hunt in the State of Texas. If that was to happen to a normal, ordinary, regular, plain, non-influential person not of color, he probably would have been arrested and stiffly FINED!! ON THE SPOT!! Obviously, not surprisingly, the vice president does get special treatment. But come on.
For a man that could not find time to pick up a gun when it mattered during the Vietnam war, he finds time to pick one up just after getting out of the hospital after a Heart Attack. But if can't tell the difference between his hunting companion and a quail, it is probably a very good thing for all of our Veterans of the Vietnam era that he did not serve. He may have mistaken them for a dove or for that matter a VC.
I grew up hunting quail, and the noise of hunting from a "car" limits the number of coveys to a minimum. Also, hunting in the afternoon is for the, well, lazy. And without dogs, pointless. He may be able to sniff out an oil deal or another KBR/Haliburton contract, but I doubt he would be able to find a downed bird.
So, let us say if they really started hunting in the morning....maybe this happened long before we were told it did. That just goes to motive, as with everything else this administration is involved in, damage control first; then a smattering of the possible truth.
"The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind, because God sure isn't going to change His." ~ Roger Ebert, film-critic (1942- )
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