"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." ~ Dom Helder Camara
I have noticed that so many of my acquaintances don't care about anything outside their immediate sphere of touch. Notice I did not use the word influence. Why, because as citizens we use less and less influence in our sphere, because we are selfish. That is why the conservatives think they won the culture war on the mind of America, because the spiritual mind of America does care about others. However, true conservatives are selfish, self-serving, hoarding, my-way or the highway kind of people. Unfortunately evangelicals have fallen in with this belief in a prosperous type of America, following the teachings of latter-day Reverend Ike's like Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Crefol Dollar, Joyce Meyer and Jan and Paul Crouch of TBN. They all sell the give to me and God will bless you theme. Neglecting the time worn camel through the eye of the needle comparison to a rich man getting into heaven is beyond them. They both privately and publicly rundown mainstream Christians that follow a more traditional, less affluent path to salvation. God never promised riches on earth, only rewards in heaven.
I chuckled to myself last evening at our interim pastor as he mentioned an experience with a woman that felt that she had always been called to be a missionary in Africa. But once she was there she asked, do I have to work with black people? This is so typical of this type of christian, they do not understand realistic sacrifice, especially their place in the real world.
"Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk humbly with your God." ~ Micah 6:8
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