"Biographical history, as taught in our public schools, is still largely a history of boneheads: ridiculous kings and queens, paranoid political leaders, compulsive voyagers, ignorant generals; the flotsam and jetsam of historical currents." ~ Martin Gardner
So the Preznit isn't the only Bush in trouble, fancy that?
Seems as if Heisman Trophy Winner was a little premature on his arrangements for financing and other matters before getting drafted into the pros. Will an investigation of USC follow? Who knows?
Especially since this years QB has been sidelined due to of campus activities, this same week. Come on guys, keep 'em in, keep your head on your shoulders. These rich donors are paying gazillions of $$$'s for your scholarship and the facilities for you to train in to play on Saturdays, preparing for a possible career on Sundays. So don't blow it!!!!
Now on to important stuff. Rove, fifth time, oops. Darn the walls are tumbling down, the sky is falling, the emperor has no clothes, the "Snow" will soon be 'melting' and Cheney is again sleeping in the hallway during the breaks in coverage.
Rummy and Rice, no not a new dish from Emeril's but from the Neocon Nueve Cocina visited (unannounced) Iraqmire this week, to not so rave reviews.
Gasoline prices went up almost as fast as the profits of the Oil Companies and the salaries of their executives. And I thought to get screwed you had to go to the Watergate Hotel in Washington with "duke" cunningham and other, yet unnamed associates.
"The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't the ignorance of knowledge but the illusion of it." ~ Stephen Hawking
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right." ~ George W. Bush
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