Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Something I've been wondering....

"Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence." ~ Morris Kline

While listening to the talking heads this week, I again wondered "What is America's love affair with Ronald Reagan"? So being an old fart, that remembers his movies, tv show and his governship of CA (my aunt was a teacher in SoCal during his disastrous terms); I remember his anecdotes, speeches, policies, etc.: And I DON'T GET IT!

He told false stories to back up his policies, does this sound familiar? He skated on Iran-Contra and all of those involved are analysts on Faux news. I don't have anything against Ollie North, but a criminal is a criminal, whether he sells dope or guns to the contras.

Read here from a very conservative source:
Sometimes, Reagan’s retentive memory – important for an actor – gave his handlers trouble. Evidently lacking the capacity for reasoned thought, Reagan’s mind is filled with anecdotes, most of them dead wrong, that he has soaked up over the years in the course of reading Reader’s Digest or at idle conversation. Once an anecdote enters Reagan’s noodle, it is set in concrete and impossible to correct or dislodge. (Consider, for example, the famous story about the "Chicago welfare queen": all wrong, but Reagan carried on regardless.)

And then:
In the early years of Reagan rule, the press busily checked out Reagan’s beloved anecdotes, and found that almost every one of them was full of holes. But Reagan never veered from his course. Why? God knows there are plenty of correct stories about welfare cheats that he could have clasped to his bosom; why stick to false ones? Evidently, the reason is that Reagan cares little about reality; he lives in his own Hollywood fantasy world, a world of myth, a world in which it is always Morning in America, a world where The Flag is always flying, but where Welfare Cheats mar the contentment of the Land of Oz. So who cares if the actual story is wrong? Let it stand, like a Hollywood story, as a surrogate for the welfare cheats whom everyone knows do exist.

And even more:
The degree to which Reagan is out of touch with reality was best demonstrated in his concentration camp story. This was not simply a slip of the tongue, a Bushian confusion of December with September. When the Premier of Israel visited Reagan at the White House, the President went on and on for three quarters of an hour explaining why he was pro-Jewish: it was because, being in the Signal Corps in World War II, he visited Buchenwald shortly after the Nazi defeat and helped to take films of that camp. Reagan repeated this story the following day to an Israeli ambassador. But the truth was 180-degrees different; Reagan was not in Europe; he never saw a concentration camp; he spent the entire war in the safety of Hollywood, making films for the armed forces.

Does this all sound familiar of someone making up facts?

The GADFLY says:
What made this loyalty so remarkable was the willingness to ignore Reagan's history and record. Moderate Republicans didn't mind his hard-right ideology. Libertarian Republicans forgave the fact that the government grew bigger on his watch than under any other president since World War II. Religious Republicans had no problem with the fact that he almost never attended church. Family-values conservatives averted their eyes from the fact that he was divorced and estranged from his own children. Anti-tax Republicans forgot that he raised taxes.
But it is apparent that conservatives are simply more prone to hero-worship, finding leaders whom they can hail as near-saints.

Reagan was a member of the screen actors guild (SAG) in 1947, but to continue working and front for McCarthyism he switched from being a democrat to a republican. This sounds like he was covering his..... He refused to support the actors McCarthy questioned, since he was afraid of being branded a COMMIE himself!
Well you know what I mean. This info comes from below.

"Republicans were indifferent to the poor". ~ David Kuo, White House deputy director for faith-based initiatives

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