So much furor, so much dinero, (oops! money for those language challenged in the US Senate). So many francs, no wrong language too. So many lira, oops, that's another non-english tongue, how about yen, no not that one either. Well they say money talks and bs walks........ except in the Senate. There it VOTES!
Looks like the critics were wrong about the buying public, AGAIN! Multitudes went out despite being told by the Catholic League, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bill O'reilly and the like to see the latest offering from Hollywood. Ron Howard's adaptation of Dan Brown's NOVEL The DaVinci Code. (Key word in the code in that sentence is NOVEL)
Everyone from Christendom has either been stirred up in anger or in anticipation awaiting an opportunity to witness to the un-churched masses going to attend the film. It seems that it just happens to be a very good interpretation of the book, which critics don't like, but the public loves. Truth, or in this case fiction is stranger than manipulation.
Every time a movie is made based on a best selling book, critics seem to want the director to take liberties by forcing the screenplay in a totally different direction, yet when they don't; the public rewards them by making it a hit movie and a box office success.
Then there is MI:III or MI:3, oh! whatever: Tom Cruise, jumping, sliding, dropping, staring, explosions, etc. Critics - LOVED. Most of the public stayed away. Could have been Tom, Scientology, TomKat, Tom, Bad movie, Tom, who knows? Couch jumping is up for an Olympic event in the world of Battleship Earth, I hear. Or is it Matt Lauer screaming? I forget.
"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously." ~ Hubert H. Humphrey
gall 1 (gôl) n.
1. See bile.
2. a. Bitterness of feeling; rancor.
b. Something bitter to endure: the gall of defeat.
3. Outrageous insolence; effrontery.
How dare the US Senate pass a resolution demanding English being the OFFICIAL and ONLY language of the United States of America, I guess all of their ancestors were born English speaking when they were born, huh? Why now? They did not require this of the Middle Europeans of many diverse backgrounds when they landed on Ellis Island and other ports of entry in years past. Why now?
It is easy to see the CODE as to why the Preznit wants to allow a GUEST worker program: He and his friends (read cronies) need gardeners, dry wallers, carpenters, masons, and restaurant workers at below the PRESENT MINIMUM WAGE that they don't want to raise for "REAL" Americans. So "Joe and Jill Republican" the reason you can't make a living wage is your guvment you elected, so keep it up, unless you break the CODE.
"What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul." ~ Jewish Proverb
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
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